I love what I do, and do what I love!!!'
I lead voluntary sessions for Age UK Bolton for the over 50s (since 2011) in 'Chair Based Exercise'; adding standing 'Strength and Balance' Exercise (Jan18). In the past, I have also had training in Dancing with Dementia; and Exercise Leadership in Oomph training (Nov22); Dance Skills (Oct23), Exercise and Mental Health (Nov23); Mental Health First Aid Champion (Jun24). I always try to research and maintain current knowledge.
I keep the sessions light hearted, and try to make each sessions fun and unique. Everyone is welcome; some people have just come along to sit and watch, but their feet soon start tapping along with some of the music.
I am old fashion and work from CDs, so anyone can bring their favourite CDs and we can make-up different movements to them.
The sessions include: warm-up, mobility, pulse raisers, stretches, strengthening, cool-down, and anything else I can mix-in, and sometimes we sing as well. So as well as keeping fit; making new friends; chats and socialising there is lots of laughter and all for FREE!!! Refreshments afterwards.
Day: Tuesday's. Session starts: 11am-12noon. (Library is open from 10am. I am set-up by 10.30am for any questions etc.)
Venue: Little Lever Library & Health Centre, 36 Market Street, Little Lever, Bolton BL3 1HH.
Moto: Stay, Safe and Supple, Lynda :-)
'We make a living by what we get, but we make a life by what we give' Winston Churchill
"Love the Life you Live; Live the Life you Love". Bob Marley